قديم 2013-06-17, 11:59
رقم المشاركة : 1  
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صور "إرهابية" لأشهر عراقي الأصل وهو يخنق زوجته

صور "إرهابية" لأشهر عراقي الأصل وهو يخنق زوجته

صور "إرهابية" لأشهر عراقي الأصل وهو يخنق زوجته

اليهودي المؤسس مع أخيه لأكبر شركة إعلانات بالعالم راح يشد على عنقها غيظاً

قبضة تشارلز ساتشي على عنق زوجته الثالثة

ظهرت اليوم في وسائل إعلام بريطانية صور من نوع "إرهابي" لا نراه عادة إلا في الإعلانات المروّجة لأحد أفلام الرعب الهوليوودي، وبدا فيها تشارلز ساتشي، المعروف بأنه أشهر عراقي الأصل في أوروبا، وربما بالعالم، وقد بلغ التشاحن بينه وبين زوجته درجة دفعته إلى الإمساك بعنقها ليخنقها غيظاً وكيداً على رصيف الشارع، فلاحظه أحدهم وصوّره بالجرم المشهود.

صورة أخرى لمحاولة الخنق

ساتشي، هو من عائلة الساعاتي اليهودية في العراق، ومولود في 1943 ببغداد التي هاجر منها بعمر 4 سنوات مع أبويه وأشقائه الثلاثة إلى بريطانيا، حيث أسس مع أخيه موريس شركة "ساتشي آند ساتشي" المعروفة بأشهر وكالة إعلانات في العالم، والمصنف كأحد أكبر مقتني الأعمال الفنية وما ندر، إضافة إلى ثروته البالغة 200 مليون دولار، بحسب ما قرأت عنه "العربية.نت" في جردة لصحيفة "صنداي تايمز" البريطانية عن أغنياء المملكة المتحدة.

الزوجة تنظر بعيون حزينة الى اللاشيء أثناء الشجار

أما المخنوقة البالغ عمرها 53 سنة، فهي زوجته منذ 9 سنوات، نايجلا لوسون، طبقاً لما قرأت "العربية.نت" عنها، وهي يهودية أيضاً وابنة اللورد نايجل لوسون، وزير الخزانة في حكومة رئيسة وزراء بريطانيا الراحلة مارغريت تاتشر، وشهيرة بأنها من أشهر الطهاة على مستوى عالمي، وبتأليفها لكتب عدة عن الطهي والغذاء، كما بتقديمها لبرنامج تلفزيوني معروف بين البريطانيين عن الطهي أيضاً، وبأنها عضو في "نادي كبار الطهاة بالعالم"، وهو شهير ويعقد مؤتمرات سنوية.
في البلاد التي تقدس حقوق المرأة

يحاول جدع أنفها في بلاد حقوق المرأة

ولا أحد يعرف ما حدث تماماً وأدى إلى تشنج تكهربت معه أعصاب تشارلز ساتشي وهو يتناول الغداء مع زوجته يوم الأحد قبل الماضي في مطعم "سكوتس" للأسماك وتوابعها بحي "ماي فير" الراقي وسط لندن، فحين انتهيا من تناول الطعام خرجا إلى مقهى رصيفي تابع للمطعم، وجلسا إلى إحدى طاولاته، وهناك تابعا الشجار العائلي الهامس، وحاولت الزوجة تقبيله على خده لتلطيف الأجواء، بحسب ما قرأت "العربية.نت" عن شهود تحدثوا لبعض الصحف، إلا أنه فاجأها بأسوأ ما تتوقع.

وخرجت الزوجة باكية من مقهى الرصيف

أمسك عنقها بقبضته وراح يضغط ويشد محاولاً خنقها تماماً، وبدت الزوجة متألمة وتكاد لا تصدق ما يفعل، وفي تلك اللحظة لمحهما مصوّر صحافي كان يمرّ بالمكان، فاتخذ زاوية لا يريانه فيها، والتقط ما تيسر من صور لساتشي وهو ممعن في خنق ثالث امرأة تزوجها في حياته، وصوّرها وهي تتركه وحيداً في المقهى لتتوجه إلى سيارتها باكية وحزينة في البلاد التي تقدّس حرية المرآة وحقوقها.

تشارلز ساتشي، أو الساعاتي

وتسرّب ما التقطه المصوّر إلى صحيفة "صنداي بيبول" البريطانية التي لم تنشر الصور إلا أمس الأحد فقط، ومنها نشرتها معظم وسائل الإعلام البريطانية اليوم الاثنين، حتى وصل صداها إلى صحف في العالم أسرعت ونشرتها اليوم أيضاً في مواقعها على الإنترنت، من دون أن تنسى الأهم، وهو أن الشرطة البريطانية فتحت تحقيقاً لا أحد يدري نتائجه إلا بعد تصنيف محاولة الخنق بالجرم المشهود.

قديم 2013-06-17, 12:04
رقم المشاركة : 2  
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افتراضي رد: صور "إرهابية" لأشهر عراقي الأصل وهو يخنق زوجته
It was just a playful tiff': Charles Saatchi says he grabbed Nigella by the throat 'to emphasise his point' during heated argument and claims she was unhurt

  • Charles Saatchi repeatedly grabbed wife Nigella Lawson by the neck
  • Multimillionaire dismissed row as a 'playful tiff' and says there 'was no grip'
  • TV cook and her husband, 70, were sat at favourite Mayfair restaurant
  • At one point, Nigella, 53, seemed to plead with him as he held her throat
  • The chef wept because 'she hates to row, not because she was hurt'
  • Miss Lawson has left with children 'until dust settles'

Art tycoon Charles Saatchi has dismissed shocking photos of him with his hands around his tearful wife's throat as a 'playful tiff'
The multimillionaire was caught on camera clutching his third wife Nigella Lawson's neck as they sat outside their favourite Mayfair restaurant.
But the 70-year-old arts collector has insisted that they were having an 'intense argument' and the TV cook was only crying because she hates it when they row.

Shocking pictures: Sitting in their favourite Mayfair restaurant, Charles Saatchi repeatedly grabs his wife Nigella Lawson by the neck

Mr Saatchi is almost certain to be questioned by detectives within weeks

Ms Lawson looked distressed as her husband of ten years grabs her by the neck in Mayfair

The columnist for the Evening Standard told the newspaper: 'About a week ago, we were sitting outside a restaurant having an intense debate about the children, and I held Nigella’s neck repeatedly while attempting to emphasise my point.

'There was no grip, it was a playful tiff. The pictures are horrific but give a far more drastic and violent impression of what took place. Nigella’s tears were because we both hate arguing, not because she had been hurt.

'We had made up by the time we were home. The paparazzi were congregated outside our house after the story broke yesterday morning, so I told Nigella to take the kids off till the dust settled.'
However, despite the multimillionaire's comments to the Evening Standard, police revealed that they were likely to question them about the incident.
The Metropolitan Police said that although no official complaint had been made by Miss Lawson, officers were ‘aware’ of the pictures and ‘inquiries are in hand to establish the facts of the incident’.

The couple were seen outside Scott's restaurant in Mayfair, London. The Metropolitan Police said that although no official complaint had been made by Miss Lawson, officers were 'aware' of the pictures

Other diners watched as the couple appear to have a heated exchange at their table

As a waiter and other diners chatted, Mr Saatchi appeared to put his hand to a tearful-looking Miss Lawson's throat

This means Mr Saatchi is almost certain to be questioned by detectives within weeks about exactly what took place in the restaurant.
The couple, who are thought to be worth £128million, had just finished eating outdoors at their favourite seafood restaurant Scott’s last Sunday when Mr Saatchi is reported to have started a heated and angry exchange with his wife.
Miss Lawson, 53, looked tearful as he grabbed her neck four times, first with his left hand and then both.
'It was utterly shocking to watch. I have no doubt she was scared. It was horrific, really'

As he held her neck, they clutched hands across the table before Mr Saatchi tweaked her nose and used both wrists to push her face.
Afterwards, Miss Lawson dabbed her tearful eyes in a napkin as he tapped his cigarettes impatiently upon the table.
She then gulped a whole glass of wine before appearing to attempt to pacify him with a trembling voice. During the attempted reconciliation, she leaned over the table and kissed his right cheek.
Mr Saatchi, who helped mastermind former prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s election campaigns, then marched off from the table before his wife followed while wiping away her tears.
The apparent assault is said to have put huge strain on their ten-year marriage, his third and her second.

The 70-year-old art tycoon tweaked his 53-year-old wife's nose as they sat at the table facing each other

During an attempt to reconcile, Ms Lawson leaned over the table and kissed her husband's right cheek

A witness was quoted in a Sunday newspaper as saying: ‘It was utterly shocking to watch.
‘I have no doubt she was scared. It was horrific, really. She was very tearful and was constantly dabbing her eyes. Nigella was very, very upset.
‘She had a real look of fear on her face. And yet she kissed him. She appeared to be a woman who loves him but was clearly unable to stop him being abusive, frightening and disrespectful to her.’

Neighbours of the couple also spoke of their ‘volatile’ relationship. One said they had previously heard the pair having a bitter argument loudly in the street.
But the neighbours dismissed talks of a split saying they had been spotted walking happily hand-in-hand during the weekend.
One said: ‘They’re both characters and if they did this I’m sure they made up straight away as I’ve seen them together looking happily recently.
‘They argue in the streets and are volatile at times but that could just be their form of passion. Those pictures do look unpleasant though.'

A tearful Nigella dabbed her eyes with a napkin as both she and her husband appear upset

Miss Lawson wiped her eyes as her husband tapped his cigarettes against the table. It is not the first time the couple have been seen arguing publicly

Despite the row, Miss Lawson appears to have given no indication about the incident, or that there is any trouble in her personal life, after tweeting about recipes and telling her followers about restaurants that she has visited.
She also tweeted that she was celebrating the end of her children's exams in school, by making them a lasagne and brownies.

It is not the first time the couple have been seen arguing publicly, but the first that has apparently involved him manhandling her.
Miss Lawson has recently spent a lot of time travelling across the US promoting her new book and successful television series.
The couple live in a £12million former 18th century brewery and gas engineer works that they have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds converting since they bought the seven-bedroom home in 2010.

Mr Saatchi rested his head in his hand while his wife appeared to be emotional and leaned in to talk to him

Nigella Lawson looked tearful as her husband left the table they were sitting at and walked away

Miss Lawson's 17-year-old son Bruno yesterday helped his mother into a black taxi before Mr Saatchi left in another cab shortly afterwards.

Both refused to answer questions about the incident but they were photographed together at the same restaurant on Saturday.
Miss Lawson has two children, Cosima, 19, and Bruno, with her husband John Diamond, who she met while they worked at The Sunday Times.
She moved in with Mr Saatchi, who was a friend of her first husband, nine months after he died of throat cancer aged 41 and shortly after her debut cooking television show Nigella Bites aired.
Charles left his wife of 15 years, Kay Hartenstein, with whom he has a daughter called Phoebe, and pursued his relationship with the Domestic Goddess.

After the pair had finished their meal, a sad-looking Nigella walked away from her husband with her eyes cast to the floor

'Look of fear': Miss Lawson looks emotional and wipes away tears after the incident in central London

Both have refused to answer questions about the incident but they were photographed together at the same restaurant on Saturday

In 2002 his former wife revealed that she had had no idea their marriage was over until one of her daughter's teachers said how sorry she was to hear about the Saatchis' divorce.
Despite it being his third marriage, the art tycoon seems happy to criticise his wife, who in a 2007 interview dubbed him 'the exploder', the Daily Telegraph reported.
She said in 2007: 'I'll go quiet when he explodes, and then I am a nest of horrible festeringness.'

He has made many scathing comments about Nigella's food. In a 2011 interview, Miss Lawson recalled how he once said: ‘I like toast with Dairylea, followed by Weetabix for supper.'
She added: 'Charles said to me there is nothing you could cook ever that would compare favourably with Weetabix,'
'I suggested he joined me in some prawn dansak I had made recently and said "how was it ?". He told me it was the most disgusting thing he'd ever eaten and he was telling me so I never gave it to him again.
'It is an amusing challenge for me to get to grips with his eating habits I can tell you.'

Mr Saatchi admits Miss Lawson’s food is 'a bit wasted' on him 'but the children like it.'

Yesterday morning Ms Lawson and her son Bruno were seen leaving his Chelsea flat, and refused to comment on the pictures

Yesterday Ms Lawson climbed inside a taxi with her son Bruno, before Mr Saatchi left in another cab shortly afterwards

The art mogul, who is notoriously reclusive, has only occasionally answered questions about his personal life.

In a 2010 interview where a member of the public asked him whether he considered himself an idiot or an optimist for marrying three times, the arts patron said that Nigella found it 'common' being his third wife.
He said: 'We all know the thing about second marriages being a triumph of hope over experience, but then once one makes a habit of getting married, it seems a bit rude to go out with anyone and not marry them.

'Nigella finds it rather common to be my third wife, and would have found it more chic to be my fifth.'
In a recent interview, Miss Lawson revealed that she was physically abused by her mother when she was a child.
A violent and depressive woman, Vanessa Salmon – who married former Conservative Chancellor Nigel Lawson, would lash out at her and her brother, former Sunday Telegraph editor Dominic, when they made too much noise, she claimed.

In December the couple were seen again at Scott's, where Mr Saatchi was seen clapping his hand over his wife's mouth

Charles (right) pictured and his second wife Kay Saatchi, who he left and afterwards married Nigella, pictured left with her late husband John Diamond

She said her mother's actions meant that she never cries, and refuses to weep even as an adult.

She is convinced that she in particular would face her mother's wrath because she 'just didn’t like me'.
Miss Lawson, who was one of four children, told FT Weekend in November: ‘I never thought I could please her.
'She was funny but depressed and so sensitive to noise. The sound of a plastic bag being crinkled would send her deranged. She’d shout at all of us and say, "I'm going to hit you till you cry", and so I never would cry. I still don't.

'It wasn’t a calculated thing; it was hot-blooded hitting, a thrashing out of things. Once she had to stop hitting Dominic [Nigella’s brother] as she hurt her hand.

'She just didn’t like me; maybe because I came after Dominic the princeling and I was my father’s girl she was jealous, I don’t know.

'I would say I’m sorry for whatever it was, some mess, and she’d say, "Why do you think being inconsiderate is an excuse?"'
Domestic violence is a top priority crime in the capital, and senior officers will want to investigate even without a complaint from the victim.

A Met Police spokesman said: ‘Officers are aware. Inquiries are in hand to establish the facts of the incident.’
A Scott’s spokesman said: ‘The staff at Scott’s are aware of the allegations in the media today but did not see anything untoward happen within the restaurant. As this is now a police matter we cannot comment further.’
Neither representatives for Miss Lawson or Mr Saatchi were available for comment this morning when contacted by the Mail Online.

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صور "إرهابية" لأشهر عراقي الأصل وهو يخنق زوجته

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